Page 135 - Bernardon Proposal for Design Services Revised
P. 135
EXHIBIT D revised Sept. 12, 2022
20 August 2022
Re: Professional Services Fee Proposal - Revised
320 Franklin Avenue
Scranton Tower
Scranton, PA
It is our understanding that Bernardon has been asked to propose on a high-rise multi-use
Project at 320 Franklin Avenue in Scranton, PA. The proposed Project is a mix on
commercial/retail space at the lower two (2) floors, an approx. 110 guest room Hyatt Place
plus associated accessory space for this Brand on the middle floors, an approx. 200
apartments on the upper floors, and a covered on-site Parking Garage. The Project might
also include two (2) levels of below grade parking. It is our understanding that the Ownership
Group for this Project has requested Bernardon include a Building Enclosure Consultant as
part of the Team. TBS Services, Inc. is pleased to support and assist Bernardon in response
to this request.
The exterior enclosure components would include the following:
• Waterproofing at elevator pits, below grade spaces and parking levels.
• Vapor barrier and insulation at slab-on-grade.
• The waterproof grade-line transition from foundation walls to above-grade
• Air/Water barriers, insulation, flashings, and exterior sealants.
• Building expansion joints (Between Tower and Parking Garage).
• Claddings and fenestrations.
• Roofing, parapets, copings, and counterflashing.
• Entrance Canopies.
• Exterior soffits.
TBS will serve as Exterior Enclosure Consultants to the Design Team. In general, or role will
be to participate in meetings, review concepts, offer recommendations, support, respond to
enclosure assemblies and details, provide technical and constructability input through peer
reviews to assist Bernardon in developing the exterior enclosure to be illustrated and outlined
on the Architectural Drawings and within the technical specification that relate to the building
enclosure components. Through providing our services we understand that Bernardon is the
Architect of Record for the Project and as such is responsible for the design and
documentation of the exterior enclosure. TBS will endeavor to support and assist Bernardon
through the design and documentation phase with comments and recommendations for
Bernardon to evaluate and accept or reject as they determine appropriate.
TBS Services Inc. 617 Station Avenue P 856.547.6250
Consultants for the Building Enclosure Haddon Heights, NJ 08035 F 856.547.6254