Page 176 - Bernardon Proposal for Design Services Revised
P. 176

EXHIBIT F                                                                                  revised Sept. 12, 2022

           Lewis S. Goodfriend & Associates                                              Inquiry No. 22-173

           3.0    SCOPE OF WORK

           LSG&A’s proposed scope of work for this project is summarized below:

           3.1    Architectural

                  3.1.1  Site Visit and Baseline Measurements: Visit the site on one (1) occasion to review
                          the existing conditions. While on site, LSG&A will set up sound level monitors at
                          up to  three (3)  locations  for a minimum  monitoring  period  of  24 hours.  The
                          measurement systems  will  include a sound level meter set to log the statistical
                          hourly A-weighted and one-third octave band sound pressure levels.

                  3.1.2  Data Analysis:  Return  the  measurement equipment to LSG&A’s  laboratory  for
                          analysis.  The results  will include statistical  sound  pressure levels for the
                          measurement periods.

                  3.1.3  Review and Design Goals: Review one set of architectural drawings to identify the
                          acoustical needs for the project. Design goals will be established for sound and
                          impact isolation for the residential, amenity, and hotel spaces, based on the Hyatt
                          Technical Standards and industry standards.

                  3.1.4  Façade Evaluation: Based on the measured exterior sound pressure levels, develop
                          recommendations  for the  acoustical  performance of  the exterior  windows  and

                  3.1.5  Sound and Impact Isolation Design: Based upon our architectural drawing review,
                          identify the proposed demising wall and floor/ceiling assemblies for the residential,
                          amenity, and hotel spaces. Develop recommendations for improved constructions
                          to meet the sound and impact isolation design goals.

                  3.1.6  Reverberation Time Evaluation:  Based upon our  architectural  drawing  review,
                          calculate the reverberation time of the amenity spaces. Develop recommendations
                          for acoustical materials and surface treatments to control the reverberation time
                          within the spaces.

                  3.1.7  Documentation:  Prepare letters  and memoranda summarizing  the  results  of
                          LSG&A’s architectural evaluation and recommendations. Please note that these
                          recommendations will be in written form and may include sketches and information
                          regarding products  and  manufacturers.  LSG&A does  not  provide  drawings,
                          specification documents, or cost estimates for our recommendations.

           3.2    Mechanical

                  3.2.1  Review and Design Goals: Review one set of mechanical drawings to identify the
                          acoustical needs for the project. Design goals will be established for background
                          sound levels  for  the residential,  amenity,  and  hotel  spaces,  based on the  Hyatt
                          Technical Standards and industry standards.

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