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                                                                       In The News

                                                      Bani Padharia of  Grade 4D has achieved many
                                                      laurels for her Kathak dance performance:
                                                      Ÿ She secured the 1st position in Kathak (Junior Group) Category at the
                                                          National Classical Dance Competition in December             2019.
                                                      Ÿ She won a silver medal in the inter school competition, Bharat Ratna

                                                          Sanskriti in May 2019.
                                                      Ÿ She also stood first in Kalanjali, a national classical dance competition held
                                                          on 18th August at Thane.

                                              Master Pratyush Chheda, Grade 7                                     Master Aksh Menon of
                                              was selected to participate in the                                  Grade 1 secured a Gold
                                              World Memory Championship                                           Medal in the
                                              2019, organised by the                                              World's Largest National
                                              International Association Of                                        Level BrainOBrain Abacus
                                              Memory (IAM) held in ZHUHAI,                                        Competition held in
                                              China .                                                             Chennai.

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