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Creative Expressions

                                                                                                            ONE MORE NEW DAY
          A Teacher                                                                                         One more new day…
          It is not what is poured                                                                          Every morning I open my eyes,
          Into a student that counts,                                                                       I see new wings,
          But what is planted.                                                                              I see new lights.
          A teacher can inspire hope,                                                                       Wings of  freedom,
                                                                                                            Lights of  love,
          ignite imagination
          Wow, she is so talented!                                                                          I hear a voice rising up above.
                                                                                                            The voice says:
          A teacher can change lives,
                                                                                                            “Get up girl,
          With just the right mix of  chalk and challenges.                                                 Go get what's yours,
          The place in our hearts for them is precious.                                                     For it's your time
          A teacher instills a love for learning,                                                           And the world's yours.
          For our betterment they are always working.                                                       Briskly take your steps,
          A teacher is smart interesting and positive                                                       And have no regrets.
          Yet unpretentious.                                                                                Stay happy,
          Their teaching methods are just ingenious.                                                        Spread smiles.
          With everything crisp and clear,                                                                  With your dreams,
          And a pleasant atmosphere.                                                                        Walk miles.
                                                                                                            For one day you will be remembered for
          This is the time I would like to say
                                                                                                            what you do today.
          Thank you to all my teachers                                                                      Get up Girl,
          For making my life more amazing                                                                   Paint the world.”
          Day by day!                                                                                       And as I get up,
                                                                                                            I hear myself  cheer,
                                                                                                            “Here's me,
                                                                                                            A young girl with no fears,
                                                                                                            But a pocket full of  dreams,
                                                                                                            A heart full of  love.”
                                                                                                            I refresh myself  and go out,
                                                                                                            With a heart of  gratitude,
                                                                                                            For this new day’
                                                                                                            For this free attitude.

                         Avisha Agarwal                                                                                                  Mahika Rathee Grade 7
                             Grade 7

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