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Unfolding the Mysteries of the Universe- Knowing more about Black holes

              The mysteries of  the universe have always fascinated me. Even as a toddler, I would look at the night sky and wonder "What is out there"? I was always curious to know
              more about the Universe. When I grew up, I understood that we are nothing but a speck in the vast Universe. The universe is so large that our mind can't possibly
              comprehend it. Out of  the many objects in the universe, the one that intrigued me the most were the Black holes. Black holes are formed when a massive star, at least
              having ten to fifteen solar masses, collapses on itself. This happens because stars are stable due to the balance between pressure created by the fusion of  Hydrogen into
              Helium and gravity. The core of  the star over time turns into denser and denser elements due to fusion until it reaches Iron. Iron is the densest element and cannot be
              fused into any other element. At this moment, the balance between pressure and gravity shifts drastically and the star collapses on itself. If  the star is big enough, it turns
              into a Black hole. Otherwise it will turn into a Neutron star. We have a lot more to learn about Black holes. The idea of  Black holes was proposed by Albert Einstein . It
              was a common debate among the scientists whether they were real or not, until the first picture of  a Black hole was recently taken. It was not a picture of  the Black hole
              itself, but of  the superheated gas surrounding the black hole. This is because even light cannot escape the gravitational pull of  a Black hole. The existence of  Black holes
              was also proven mathematically by recent Noble prize winner, Roger Penrose, Reinhard Genzel and Andrea Ghez. They developed a mathematical theory on the
              existence of  Black holes based on the ideas of  Einstien's 'Theory of  Gravity'.
              Black holes can be of  various masses. Some are about ten to fifteen solar masses, while others can be as massive as millions or even billions of  solar masses! The largest
              Black holes that we know of, has an estimated mass of  more than 40 billion solar masses. The Black hole in the middle of  our Milky Way galaxy is called 'Sagittarius A'. It
              has an estimated mass of  more than three million solar masses. Black holes also result in the formation of  Quasars. These are the brightest objects in the Universe. They
                                can outshine entire galaxies. These are essentially super massive Black holes which are surrounded by superheated gas which causes them to be so bright.
                                  Black holes do not exist for ever. They eventually evaporate by Hawking radiation, which is a process in which one particle of  a Black hole escapes at infinity
                            while the other particle is trapped inside the Black holes horizon. Hawking radiation is a very slow process, so slow that by the time the last black hole will
                               evaporate, there will be no stars left in the universe. Black holes are just one of  the many marvelous objects of  the universe. There is so much more left to
                              discover  in  this  vast  Universe.  I  hope  that  one  day,  we  will  be  able  to  solve  some  of   the  other  greatest  mysteries  of   the  Universe.

              Ashar Zahir,
              Grade 4c

                                                                              The Terrific Three

              I always wondered what it would be like to go on adventures like the Famous Five. My team felt incomplete with me and my younger brother. I always wished for an
              amazing pet dog like Timothy from the Famous Five. Me and my brother promised our parents to look after and love our pet dog. Guess what?! Yesterday we went for a long
              drive to Pune. Our parents surprised us with a beagle pup. We named him Coco. He is a beautiful puppy.
              I wonder whether Coco would enjoy adventures? Would he enjoy the beaches, sun and sand? Would he enjoy the hills and the meadows? Would he enjoy long drives, chasing
              butterflies and camping?
              Right now Coco is a tiny baby. So as of  we are going to enjoy being at home and play with him till he is old enough to come out with us. Looking forward to many exciting days
              with my brother and Coco.

                             Rudr Dube,
                             Grade 2

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