Page 51 - UUBO PE Summit 2020 - Materials
P. 51

2. Options: Four Ways of Unlock Liquidity

                              Strategic levers that can be pulled to seize big enough slices of increased inward capital flows to

                              developing countries to mitigate growth and stability risks

                   Securitization                         Commercialization                             Privatization                             Liberalization

            Securitize equity holdings                    Commercialize idle or                     Privatize to attract                      Liberalize to attract

            in NLNG and other oil                         under-utilized state-                     brownfield FDI by                         greenfield FDI by
            and gas Joint Ventures to                     owned lands and built                     converting all wholly                     breaking government

            shore up foreign reserve                      structures by relocating                  owned corporate assets to                 monopoly in all

            threshold, while giving                       uneconomic activities                     securitizable Joint Ventures              infrastructure sectors to

            Nigerians at home and in                      from prime locations and                  stakes in which                           encourage entry of
            diaspora opportunities to                     repurposing them for                      government owns up to 49                  foreign investors who

            invest in the assets and                      leasing to open new                       percent and foreign                       could operate in parallel

            earn some of the                              streams of non-tax                        investors own up to 51                    to the Joint Ventures.
            dividends                                     revenue                                   percent.
          03                                                                                                                                                                     4
   46   47   48   49   50   51   52   53   54   55   56