Page 52 - UUBO PE Summit 2020 - Materials
P. 52

3. Thresholds: Just How Liquid is Nigeria?

                                 Nigeria struggles to meet the lowest fiscal, financial and forex liquidity thresholds, while many

                                 of our peers have learnt to meet the highest thresholds

                                Fiscal Liquidity                                      Financial Liquidity                                Foreign Exchange Liquidity

                   There are three thresholds of fiscal                   There are three thresholds for domestic                    There are three thresholds of external

                   liquidity that government revenue                      liquidity that banks, bonds and equity                     liquidity that foreign exchange market
                   should meet:                                           markets should meet to ensure adequate                     or the national foreign reserves holdings

                                                                          access to finance at low cost for households               should meet for the market and the
                      a) Recurrent spending (salaries,                    who need to fund acquisition of homes,                     exchange rate to remain stable:
                          overheads, and debt                             cars, or knowledge and businesses who need

                          service/interest payments).                     to fund capital projects and infrastructure.              a)   Transactions or external payments
                      b) Capital spending.                                                                                               threshold.

                      c) Debt repayment and/or Rainy-                   a)   Transactions or payments threshold.                    b) Precautionary or insurance
                          Day Funds- Fiscal Buffers.                    b) Precautionary of savings threshold.                           threshold.
                                                                        c)   Speculative or investment threshold-                   c)   Speculative or investment threshold-

                                                                             domestic money, bonds or equity buffers.                    foreign reserve buffers.

          05                                                                     Liquidity Thresholds                                                                            5
   47   48   49   50   51   52   53   54   55   56   57