Page 12 - Rotary DIN Jun 2016
P. 12

Runners pour in                                           Walking 104 miles
Both the day before the event and the day after
Penryn’s annual 10km race were glorious Cornish           Mounts Bay Rotarian John James has just
Spring Days. But the weather on the day of the            completed the entire Cotswold Way – all 104
Enys Race was awful, with flooding and storm              miles of it – on foot for charity. The Walk took
damage in nearby villages.                                eight days and he carried everything he needed
Despite that, Penryn had its biggest turnout yet          on his back, staying at small B&Bs each night.
and runners even seemed to enjoy the high winds           Fellow Rotarian Alan Wilson accompanied him for
and cold squally rain, and the club raised nearly         the last six days; his daughter Emma was with
£2,000 for its charities.                                 him for the first.
This year, the club is aiming to help the Penryn          “I think they came with me to ensure I didn’t
Memory Café, and also MylorSailability, which is          cheat!” said John. “But I was glad of their
dedicated to helping people get on to the water,          company. The weather was odd: we started out
plus the End Polio Now campaign.                          from Chipping Campden in the middle of a
Penryn drew on members of Redruth Rotary                  blizzard but most days it was warm and sunny. It
Club, for race registration, and Falmouth and             was also surprising how steep many of the
Truro Satellite Clubs, who helped out on the              sections were – they certainly tested my fitness.”
race route.                                               He raised £700 for the End Polio Now campaign,
                                                          which will be boosted by £2,100 from the Bill and
    Kim Hemsworth collects his prize from Terry Chapman,  Melinda Gates Foundation.
                      President of Perryn Rotary Club     Contact Mounts Bay Secretary Chris Relf on
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