Page 13 - Rotary DIN Jun 2016
P. 13

Wheeling out the cash in Otter Valley

                                                    Headway, Devon which helps those who have
                                                    suffered from brain injury and require help. There
                                                    are too many head injuries to motorcyclists,
                                                    cyclists and scooter riders and Headway does a
                                                    fantastic job offering support for those affected by
                                                    head injuries.

                                                    The journey starts on September 2 from Ottery St
                                                    Mary and arrives in Barcelona six days later via
                                                    Roscoff, St Nazaire, La Rochelle, Bordeaux,
                                                    Toulouse, Font Romeu and finally Barcelona on
                                                    September 8th.

Otter Valley’s second charity bike ride, two        More information from
routes covering 11 and 25 miles, ran successfully
on April 24. Started by the Mayor of Ottery St
Mary, competitors could choose what to donate
their 50 per cent of sponsorship money to, with
the other half going to Rotary charities. The club
has raised £750 so far.

More from James Cobley on 0797 696 8882.

..and in addition....

Greg Layzell the President of Rotary Club of Otter
Valley and his colleague, Paul Swingler seen here
revving up their scooters for an epic journey from
Ottery St Mary to Barcelona. Greg and Paul aim to
collect as much money as possible for the charity
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