Page 14 - Rotary DIN Jun 2016
P. 14

They’re off!                                                                 teachers to create health clubs
Falmouth’s Donkey Derby has proved a big fund-raiser for the                 in schools; and encouraging
Rotary Club. By the end of the evening at the town’s bowling club, it        development by the formation
had raised almost £600 for Rotary charities.                                 of co-operatives.
Not real donkeys, of course. That would be cruel, but the toys
produced much hilarity among members and guests, who “bought”                More from Elizabeth Flint,
their “donkeys”, as they competed against each other to see who              Falmouth Secretary, on
could cross the winning line first. There was a bar and Cornish    
pasties for refreshment.
                                                                             Back to school
Chris Ohly, Rob Homewood, Maddie Homewood, Joe Benny and Gilly Benny at the
                            Donkey Derby (photo courtesy of The Packet)      Going back to school to answer
                                                                             questions might not be
Meanwhile, Euan Eddie, District Foundation Chair, has been outlining         everyone’s cup of tea, but, for
how the tens of thousands of pounds donated to the Foundation by             Tiverton Rotary Club, it is fun
Falmouth, has been used. It has enabled the Foundation to improve            and a major earner.The club
the health of 7,000 people in communities near Masaka, Uganda, by            raised more than £1,100 for
reducing their dependence on polluted water sources and improving            international charities by
sanitation; to cut starvation during the dry season by providing             staging their annual quiz at
cheap water for irrigation; by improving the health and the chance of        Blundell’s School.
better education by reducing time spent carrying water; by training
                                                                             More than 100 keen
                                                                             contestants pitted their wits in
                                                                             answering questions set by
                                                                             Tony Sloley, whose wife, Jill, is
                                                                             a Rotarian. The 21 teams had a
                                                                             whale of an evening and
                                                                             enjoyed a meal prepared by
                                                                             Maggie Alexander, from the
                                                                             school. Members of Inner
                                                                             Wheel and Interact members
                                                                             from Tiverton High School
                                                                             helped, too. The question
                                                                             master was John Anderson.

                                                                             Norman Annett, who has been
                                                                             involved in the organisation of
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