Page 17 - Rotary DIN Jun 2016
P. 17

REPORT ON THE BOURNEMOUTH                            the ABM. After much debate, 54 per cent voted
BUSINESS MEETING                                     for the resolution. However, a two-thirds vote is
                                                     required for it to be carried. It will be interesting
by William Wills Assistant Governor, D1175,          to see if the resolution will be put forward again
Plymouth and South Hams                              next year, in Manchester.

The annual subscription for RIBI will rise to £52 a  By the time the meeting closed, AFC
year per member for the next Rotary Year (2016-      Bournemouth had lost 4-0 to… Manchester City.
17). This is apparently still less than if members
paid direct to Rotary International.                 COUNCIL ON LEGISLATION

The increase was approved at the Annual              By Paul Edwards - Rotary Club of Totnes
Business Meeting in Bournemouth, in April, at
which the budget for the year was passed by 580      This is Rotary’s Parliament, where delegates from
voting delegates (both in person and on line).       all over the world meet over five days to thrash
                                                     out proposals and possible amendments and to
A number of constitutional matters followed,         make recommendations to the Rotary
including the change of name from “Standing          International Board or the Trustees of the Rotary
Committees” to “Administrative Committees”.          Foundation.
Approval was given to the new Administrative
Committee to cover Leadership Development and        Among the enactments were: allowing clubs to
Training.                                            determine when and how often they meet, setting
                                                     attendance requirements, and modifying or
Several resolutions were put on the timing of        eliminating termination policies for non-
elections for RIBI President, Treasurer and RI       attendance –this was approved, save that Clubs
Director. These will be moved back to the            must meet at least twice a month; flexibility to
autumn. The proposal from General Council to         enable clubs to amend their membership
amend the role of the Selection Advisory             classification and to widen the range to include
Committee for these posts to remove the need for     corporate and associate members; a rise in the
them to present a preferred candidate was            dues that clubs would pay to RI because of
rejected.                                            declining reserves and to invest in new
                                                     technology; and giving the board chance to
The final resolution was proposed by Rotary Club     amend or abolish district boundaries where there
of Skipton to abolish the Selection Advisory         are more than 100 clubs or fewer than 1100
Committee for the three roles. This was the third    Rotarians. Minimum number of Charter members
time that this resolution had been presented to      of a new club should now be 20.
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