Page 18 - THE DEATH CHASE the beginning Book I
P. 18
‚Ms liig,‛ Ips gonn_l_^. Sb_ gently placed
her hand on the tent. To her these memories were
even precious than gold.
‚Ms liig cm domn ijjimcn_ ni siolm‛ J[mih
pointed at a room opposite from where they were
standing. The door was closed. It was written,
‘Snil_liig’ qcnb ]b[fe ih nb_ ^iil. ‚Tb_s g[^_
it into a storeroom when I moved away to New
‚Wbs [l_h’n siol j[l_hnm b_l_?‛ D[h [me_^.
Jason blinked his tears back.
‚Tb_s’l_ ^_[^‛ b_ lo\\_^ bcm n_[lm i``. ‚In
was a long time ago, when they went to meet
sio.‛ J[mih fiie_^ [n Ivy as if she caused his
parents death.
‚I ^ih’n oh^_lmn[h^‛ Ips m[c^. Sb_ q[m
]ih`om_^. Hiq ]iof^ g__ncha b_l ecff J[mih’m
j[l_hnm? ‚Wb[n ^i sio g_[h?‛