Page 15 - THE DEATH CHASE the beginning Book I
P. 15
Ivy was so excited that she got Goosebumps all
over her body. She saw the world with such
qih^_l nb[n Ml. Bf[]e [me_^ b_l, ‚H[p_ sio
h_p_l aih_ ion ch Bimnih?‛
His voice was deep and cold. ‚Ni []no[ffs.‛
Ivy replied and continued watching. Dan sat
beside her with his hands rapidly taping each
‚Wb[n b[jj_h_^? Wbs ^i sio fiie mi
[acn[n_^?‛ Ips [me_^.
‚Di sio `__f fce_ mig_ih_ cm, og, `iffiqcha
om?‛ b_ [me_^. Ips fiie_^ \_bch^. Tb_l_ was just
one black car similar to theirs. She saw Mr. Black
looking at the side mirror. His expression grew
grin. He speeded up leaving the other car behind
in dust. Soon Ivy realized where they were going.
Mr. Black stopped in front of a huge three-
story mansion like house.