Page 12 - THE DEATH CHASE the beginning Book I
P. 12
helped him get on his feet. She gave him his bag
which those boys threw near one of the fountains.
‚Hc! I’g Ips Bl_ee_l. Wb[n’m siol h[g_?‛ mb_
had asked.
‚D[h,‛ b_ nif^. ‚Tb[hem `il siol b_fj.‛
‚Ni jli\f_g. Tb_s mhould learn not to push
inb_l j_ijf_.‛ Ips m[c^.
Suddenly Principal Collins along with the
boys came. Ivy was scolded in front of everyone.
Dan tried to protest that Ivy had helped her, but
Principal Collins did not hear him.
Now thinking about this memory gave Dan a
b_[^[]b_. H_ q_hn Plch]cj[f Ciffch’m i``c]_. Tb_
lawyer had left to bring his car. Dan knocked the
i``c]_ ^iil. ‚Cig_ ch!‛ Plch]cj[f Ciffchm m[c^
from inside.
‚Plch]cj[f Ciffchm, ^i sio gch^ c` I q_hn qcnb
Ips?‛ D[h [me_^.