Page 8 - THE DEATH CHASE the beginning Book I
P. 8
wherever that was. She never had the memory of
her old life. She only remembered the living
room for the picture of her Mother and Dad and
bits of many memories that never fit into the
jc]nol_. Sb_ ^c^h’n _p_h ehiq nb[n mb_ b[^ [
`[gcfs f[qs_l. ‚Oe[s“‛ mb_ m[c^ [h^ mbiie
hands with the lawyer. She introduced herself
and Dan to the lawyer.
‚L_n’m ai ni gs i``c]_ [h^ D[h ]iof^ sio [me
Mlm. Bliqh ni a_n om nqi ]ojm i` ]i``__?‛
Principal Collins said and he, Ivy and the lawyer
b_[^_^ ni Plch]cj[f’m i``c]_.
In the office, Ivy was given a chair beside the
lawyer, who had taken off his hat, revealing his
black hair and brown eyes, which showed a sign
of mischief. Ivy wondered if this person was
actually a lawyer.
As Principal Collins took out his one file to
a_n nb_ f[qs_l’m mcah[nol_, Mlm. Bliqh ][g_
with the coffee for Principal and the lawyer.