Page 6 - THE DEATH CHASE the beginning Book I
P. 6

friends bullied Ivy whenever they saw her alone

               in the corridor.

                  Ips niie ion b_l j[l_hn’m jc]nol_ ion i` b_l

               bag. It was taken back in their old house, when

               Ips q[m domn 4 s_[lm if^. Ips b[^ ain b_l Minb_l’m

               \fo_  _s_m  [h^  b_l  D[^’m  \liqh  b[cl.  Tb_

               background showed the living room with the fire

               pit lit with orange flame. Soon there was a knock

               ih nb_ ^iil. D[h’m jijj_^ bcm b_[^ nblioab nb_

               mg[ff ij_hcha. ‚Yio [l_h’n aicha ni nb_ nlcj?‛ b_


                              Ips mbiie b_l b_[^. ‚Ni.‛  Dan  entered

               the  room  and  handed  her  a  box  wrapped  with

               \fo_ j[j_l. ‚H[jjs Bclnb^[s!‛ b_ m[c^.

                       Ips mgcf_^. ‚Tb[hem [a[ch.‛ Sb_ ij_h_^ nb_

               box. It had a small card decorated with flowers.

               Ivy  was  satisfied,  unlike  the  other  people  who

               may need a necklace or a watch as gift. Her life

               in this orphanage taught her to enjoy little things.

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