Page 7 - THE DEATH CHASE the beginning Book I
P. 7

‚Hiq  [\ion  [  fcnnf_  mh_[e  ion?‛  mb_  [me_^.

               She  smiled  naughtily.  Dan  nodded.  They  have

               always wanted to go up to the terrace and see the

               view of Boston. But sadly, none of the students

               were allowed to go more than the third floor.

                       Tb_s ain ion i` Ips’m liig [h^ ]fcg\_^ nb_

               stairs to the third floor. As they stepped on the

               first step to the fourth floor, a man dressed black

               appeared in front of them. His face was hidden by

               a black hat that he was wearing.

                       ‚Ob,‛ [ `[gcfc[l pic]_ m[c^ `lig \_bch^ nb_

               man. Principal Collins appeared from behind. Ivy

               was afraid that they may get into trouble. In this

               school, they made you clean the whole ground as

               punishment. But Principal Collins smiled at Ivy.

               ‚Tb_l_  mb_  cm.  Ips  Brekker.  Ivy,  this  is  your

               family lawyer and his is taking you back home.

               Al_h’n sio b[jjs?‛

                       This  was  not  good  news.  Ivy  had  never

               nbioabn  mb_  qiof^  b[p_  ni  ai  \[]e  ‚big_‛,

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