Page 20 - THE DEATH CHASE the beginning Book I
P. 20

Brekker, written in beautiful cursive with golden

               ink. Ivy opened the diary. The pages felt fragile

               in her hands. She carefully flipped through.

                       ‚Ips‛  Wcffc[g  m[c^  [h^  n[jj_^  nb_  n[\f_

               a_hnfs  ni  a_n  b_l  [nn_hncih.  ‚Yio  b[p_  ni  \_

               careful  now  onwards.  Your  life  is  in  grave


                       ‚Wbi  cm  aicha  ni  ecff  g_?‛  Ips  [me_^.  H_l

               throat felt dry and her tough felt like paper.

                       ‚Nin  ihfs  sio‛  Wcffc[g  nolh_^  ni  J[mih.

               ‚Ep_h sio. Fclmn i` [ff, sio’p_ ni ehiq nb[n nb_

               Brekker  family  is  divided;  into  Pierce  and


                       ‚W[cn. Zb[ha? Wb_l_ ^c^ nb_s ]ig_ `lig?‛

               Dan asked looking confused.

                       ‚M[s I ]ihncho_?‛ Wcffc[g [me_^ [h^ q[cn_^

               `il  [  `_q  m_]ih^m.  ‚Tb[he  sio.  Niq,  \inb  i`

               siol j[l_hnm q_l_ ecff_^ \s nb_g.‛

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