Page 22 - THE DEATH CHASE the beginning Book I
P. 22


               Not  that  meeting  his  cousin  was  amazing,  but

               hearing  that  he  was  going  to  be  killed,  ruined

               J[mih’m ^[s.  Hcm b[h^m \_][g_ mq_[ns [m b_ niie

               ch Wcffc[g’m mj__]b.

                       ‚Niq sio g[s b[p_ ni nl[p_f [lioh^ ni afi\_

               ni _m][j_.‛ Wcffc[g m[c^. ‚Bon nb_ Zb[ha `[gcfs

               is after something and you have to find what it is.

               Your parents were killed because they found this

               thing. This only proves that the Zhangs will do

               anything to get their hands on it. And lastly, do

               not  trust  anyone,  hin  _p_h  nb_  ]fim_mn  `lc_h^.‛

                       William  looked  that  Dan.  He  looked  down

               aocfncfs, nbioab J[mih ^c^h’n oh^_lmn[h^ why.

                       Suddenly, a cars sound was heard from the

               gate.  William  peeked  through  the  blinds.  He


                       ‚Yio  b[p_  ni  ai  hiq!‛  b_  lomb_^  om  ion

               through the backdoor.  Jason, Ivy and Dan sate

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