Page 26 - THE DEATH CHASE the beginning Book I
P. 26
and Dan to follow. Jason crept over the wall to
the other side. Ivy and Dan followed.
When they reached the other side, Dan asked,
‚Wb_l_ [l_ q_?‛
‚Ml. M]Cis’m \[]es[l^.‛ J[mih, Ips [h^ D[h
diaa_^ ip_l ni nb_ Ml. M]Cis’m a[l[a_. Tb_
garage was wide open. There was an old truck
inside. Jason new that Mr. McCoy must be
having is afternoon sleep now.
Jason went to the nearby shelf and took out a
small cardboard box. It had screw drivers, nails
and more mechanical stuff. In the depths of these,
nb_ nlo]e’m e_s q[m nbere. Jason took it out and
opened the truck door. He inserted the key and
rotated it. The truck let out a silent groan.
‚W[cn‛ D[h m[c^. H_ jomb_^ ij_h nb_ bii^ i`
nb_ nlo]e. ‚I ][h `cr cn.‛