Page 28 - THE DEATH CHASE the beginning Book I
P. 28
D[h m[q Ips fiiecha [n b_l al[h^g[’m biom_.
Those people were still there.
‚Dih’n qills. W_’l_ aicha ni \_ m[`_.‛ H_
[mmol_^ b_l, nbioab b_ ^c^h’n `__f confident.
Wb[n c` nb_s `ioh^ nb_g? Tb_s ]iof^h’n ecff
nb_g; nb_ jifc]_ qiof^h’n f_n nb_g, [n f_[mn D[h
bij_^ nb_s qiof^h’n f_n nb_g.
‚Ub.bob‛ Ips m[c^ [h^ joff_^ nb_ \[]ej[]e
Suddenly felt something near his feet his feet.
He looked down at found and a buddle of
costumes. Soon Dan got an idea. He passed Ivy
and Jason one of the costumes. They did not ask
ko_mncih. ‚Niq sio \inb [l_ Ml. [h^ Mlm. Wbcn_
[h^ I [g Lcnnf_ Tig!‛ b_ m[c^ ni nb_g. Tb_s
Siih D[h’m jf[h ][g_ chni []ncih. Tb_l_
were a couple of men standing in the middle of
the road. They stopped their truck.