Page 32 - THE DEATH CHASE the beginning Book I
P. 32
Oh, Ivy had completely forgotten about
passport. She opened the backpack and checked
frantically through. At last she two passports.
Two? Ivy thought. We need three!
She turned to the others. Soon they
understood the problem, but thank god, Dan had
bought his passport hoping that he and Ivy would
go on vacation. They showed their passports.
Tb_ g[h _r[gch_^ nb_ j[mmjilnm. ‚Bl_ee_l
Pierce bob? H_ m[c^. ‚W_ qcff [fq[sm l_mj_]n
sio.‛ H_ qbcmj_l_^.
As they got their passports back, they
sprinted towards the couples who had reached the
next floor. They climbed the escalator taking two
steps at a time. Once they reached, they scanned
[lioh^ ni `ch^ nb[n ]iojf_. ‚Tb_l_!‛ J[mih m[c^
and ran towards them. Dan and Ivy followed.
‚Ugg, bc!‛ J[mih m[c^ ni nb_g. ‚Di sio
gch^ c` q_ nl[p_f qcnb sio?‛