Page 34 - THE DEATH CHASE the beginning Book I
P. 34
Jason, Dan and Ivy, Regina and her brother Brian
went to the nearby coffee counter. Ivy made
them sit in the corner table while bought them
]i``__. ‚Er]om_ g_‛ R_ach[ ain oj. ‚I’ff mig_ [
\[nbliig \l_[e.‛
‚Sol_‛ Ips m[c^ [h^ nolh_^ ni J[mih [h^ D[h.
‚Tb_s’l_ b_l_.‛ Sb_ jicnted at a group of people
near the elevator.
‚Wbi?‛ D[h [h^ J[mih [me_^ ch ohcmih. Ips
pursed her lips.
‚Tbim_ j_ijf_, _mj_]c[ffs nb[n f[^s, nb_s
were there during the fire, when my parents died.
In fact, they were the last people my parents
‚Si, sio nbche nb_s jon siol biom_ ih `cl_?‛
Dan asked.
Ivy nodded. Jason felt a painful thumping in
his chest, a mix of fear and panic. Something