Page 39 - THE DEATH CHASE the beginning Book I
P. 39
‚W_ff,‛ J[mih f[oab_^. ‚W_ b[p_ ni fiie `il
nbcm b[h^m [h^ ]fi]e.‛
‚Di q_ b[p_ ni?‛ D[h [me_^.
‚W_ff bij_ sio’l_ _hdischa‛ R_ach[ [me_^.
‚Tb[he sio, R_ach[, mi go]b.‛ Ips m[c^. ‚W_
iq_ sio.‛
‚Ni h__^. Ool jf_[mol_.‛ Sb_ m[c^ [h^ f_`n
the room.
Dan took the television remote and flipped
through the channels.
He had never been in such a room. At large,
D[h’m `[gcfs q[m hin p_ls lc]b il jiil. Hcm
Mother died when he was four and his Dad got
all bitter. Family probf_gm mn[ln_^. Hcm Minb_l’m
j[l_hnm []]om_^ D[^ `il D[h’m Minb_l’m ^_[nb.
Only one who cared about Dan was his aunt, tía
Maria, D[h’m `[nb_l’m mcmn_l.
When Dan was six, tía Maria and Dad died in
car crash. Since then Dan was a homeless orphan.