Page 43 - THE DEATH CHASE the beginning Book I
P. 43
Somehow their guide, Mari Woods, seem very
familiar to Ivy. They told her that they wanted to
see The Athena Parthenon statue. She took them.
The statue was made of pure gold and ivory.
The goddess Athena stood with the Nike, the
victory spirit in one hand and a shield in front of
Athena. Ivy looked at it with wonder. The statue
produced a determination atmosphere that Ivy felt
Suddenly Mari said something that made Ivy
mn[l_ [n b_l. ‚B_bch^ Wcm^ig [h^ Vc]nils, mn[h^m
[ ][p_,‛ mb_ l_]cn_^. ‚Foff i` g_gils, miih \_ [
al[p_.‛ Sb_ nolh_^ ni fiie [n nb_g.
‚Hiq“Wbi [l_ sio?‛ Ips ^c^h’n _p_h ehiq
where to begin.
‚Cig_.‛ M[lc m[c^ [h^ q_hn \_bch^ nb_
statue. In the wall, hidden from plain sight, there