Page 45 - THE DEATH CHASE the beginning Book I
P. 45
heard someone come through the opposite side.
The footsteps grew louder.
‚Wb_l_ [l_ nb_ ec^m?‛ nb_ j_lmih m[c^. In was
a lady. Ivy looked at Mari she looked just as
shucked as they were.
‚Yio f_^ om chni [ nl[j.‛ J[mih []]om_^ b_l.
‚Ni“ I jligcm_ I ^ih’n ehiq‛ M[lc
‚Ni, mb_ ^c^h’n.‛ Ips m[c^. M[lc mgcf_^ [n b_l
al[n_`offs. Sb_ mgcf_^ \[]e. ‚Sb_ cm gs [ohn.‛
‚Yio l_g_g\_l_^.‛ M[lc m[c^ [h^ boaa_^
Ivy. She passed Ivy a locket. It was silver in
‚Tbcm cm siol Minb_l’m. Niq bc^_.‛ M[lc
said. They obeyed and ran into the other side of
the cave. They crouched down. They tried to
slow down their breathing. They could hear what
was happening easily.
‚Wbi [l_ sio?‛ nb_ f[^s [me_^.