Page 41 - THE DEATH CHASE the beginning Book I
P. 41

Jason and Dan looked over her shoulder. She

               was pointing at a sentence written in cursive in

               the bottom of the page. It said:

               Behind Wisdom and Victory

               Stands a cave

               Full of memory

               Soon be a grave

                       ‚Wb[n ^i_m cn g_[h?‛ D[h [me_^.

                       ‚W_’l_  ch  Anb_hm,‛  Ips  m[c^.  ‚M[s\_  mig_

               Wcm^ig [h^ Vc]nils ai^ il ai^^_mm?‛

                       ‚Wcm^ig  cm  Anb_h[  [h^  pc]nils  cm  Nce_‛

               J[mih  m[c^  ^__j  ch  nbioabn.    ‚Tb_  Anb_h[

               Parthenon st[no_ b[m Anb_h[ bif^cha [h^ Nce_“‛

                       ‚In’m ch nb_ N[ncih[f Al]b_ifiac][f Mom_og

               i` Anb_hm‛ D[h m[c^ _r]cn_^fs. ‚L_n’m ai!‛

                       When they told this to Regina and Brian, they

               were  happy  to  help.  After  thirty  minutes  they

               headed to the museum. Before they could step in,

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