Page 41 - THE DEATH CHASE the beginning Book I
P. 41
Jason and Dan looked over her shoulder. She
was pointing at a sentence written in cursive in
the bottom of the page. It said:
Behind Wisdom and Victory
Stands a cave
Full of memory
Soon be a grave
‚Wb[n ^i_m cn g_[h?‛ D[h [me_^.
‚W_’l_ ch Anb_hm,‛ Ips m[c^. ‚M[s\_ mig_
Wcm^ig [h^ Vc]nils ai^ il ai^^_mm?‛
‚Wcm^ig cm Anb_h[ [h^ pc]nils cm Nce_‛
J[mih m[c^ ^__j ch nbioabn. ‚Tb_ Anb_h[
Parthenon st[no_ b[m Anb_h[ bif^cha [h^ Nce_“‛
‚In’m ch nb_ N[ncih[f Al]b_ifiac][f Mom_og
i` Anb_hm‛ D[h m[c^ _r]cn_^fs. ‚L_n’m ai!‛
When they told this to Regina and Brian, they
were happy to help. After thirty minutes they
headed to the museum. Before they could step in,