Page 46 - THE DEATH CHASE the beginning Book I
P. 46

‚Wbi“[l_ sio?‛ M[lc mn[gg_l_^.

                       Tb_  f[^s  f[oab_^.  ‚C[h’n  bc^_  `lig  M[lc.

               Wb_l_ [l_ nb_s?‛

                       ‚Wbi?‛ M[lc ^_g[h^_^.

                       Ivy slowly leaned forward and took a peek.

               Before Mari was a lady dressed in black. Her red

               hair made her look like a vampire. Her eyes were

               coal black. She smiled evilly.

                       Suddenly  Ivy  felt  something  cold  near  her

               leg. She picked up a small silver ball with carving

               on it. Suddenly a memory came to her.

                       Ivy  was  back  in  her  old  house.  It  was  her

               third birthday. Mari stood beside her. She placed

               nb_ m[g_ mcfp_l \[ff ch Ips’m b[h^. ‚Yio ][h jf[s

               qcnb C[cnfsh. H_l_ sio ai. H[jjs \clnb^[s.‛

                       Ivy  knew  what  it  was  inside.  Just  paint

               powder. But it was enough to blind that lady. Ivy

               told  her  plan  to  her  friends  and  slowly  got  up.

               Ips’m b_[ln q[m \_[ncha `[mn_l [m mb_ ][onciomfs

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