Page 38 - THE DEATH CHASE the beginning Book I
P. 38
About seven, next morning, they reached Athens
ch Gl__]_. Bl[ch \ioabn bcm [h^ R_ach[’m \[am.
He booked a taxi and they headed to their hotel.
Once they reached. Dan, Ivy and Jason sat in
the hotel lobby. The lobby was bustling with
tourists. Dan took a brochure from a nearby stand
[h^ fiie_^ nblioab cn. ‚I` q_ b[p_ ncg_ q_ ][h
go to the National Archeological Museum of
Anb_hm‛ b_ m[c^ ni bcm `lc_h^m.
‚W_ ][h!‛ R_ach[ maid. She and Brian had
booked them an adjoined room. They were
escorted to the room by one of the hotel bearers.
Their room, 303, was quite spacious. It had a
living room and two bedrooms. The bearer
handed them their key and left the room.
‚Tbcm cm fc`_!‛ D[h m[c^. H_ m[n ih nb_ \_^.