Page 37 - THE DEATH CHASE the beginning Book I
P. 37
‚Wb[n b[h^?‛ D[h [me_^. ‚In’m hin
mig_ih_’m b[h^ cm cn?‛
‚Ni‛ Ips gonn_l_^. ‚In’m [ ]fi]e’m b[h^m.
Think about it. When the hands will reach six all
mb[ff `cr. Bon qb[n mb[ff `cr?‛
‚M[s\_ nb_ `cabn \_nq__h Pc_l]_ m [h^
Zb[ham‛ D[h m[c^. H_ fiie_^ [n bcm q[n]b. ‚Bon
cn’m [fl_[^s mcr-nbclns.‛
‚M[s\_ nbcm ]fi]e b[m [ ^c``_l_hn q[s i`
gipcha“‛ J[mih m[c^. ‚Lce_ g[s\_ ^[sm il
‚Ni. W_ b[p_ ni g[e_ cn ni mcr. In qcff l_p_f
something. We have to find out what this is all
[\ion.‛ Ips m[c^.
Even find the truth about my parent’s death.
Jason thought, but decided not to tell it aloud.