Page 25 - THE DEATH CHASE the beginning Book I
P. 25

nl[p_f `il q__em il g[s\_ gihnbm. I ^ih’n q[hn

               [hsnbcha ni b[jj_h ni sio.‛

                       D[h nbl_q oj bcm b[h^m. ‚I ehiq nb[n I’g hin

               siol `[gcfs g_g\_l‛ Ips nlc_^ chn_llojn bcg, \on

               b_  a_mnol_^  b_l  ni  q[cn.  ‚I  ][h’n  f_n  sio  ai  ih

               your own. And I can be helpful with codes and

               mno``. Pf_[m_ f_n g_ ]ig_.‛     Dan  looked  at

               Jason.  Jason  wanted  to  agree  with  Dan,  but  he

               wondered if Ivy would.

                       ‚Aflcabn‛  Ips  mcab_^.  ‚Yio  ][h  ]ig_,  \on

               please be careful—‛

                       She  was  cut  short  by  footsteps  inside  the

               biom_. ‚Wb_l_ [l_ nb_s?‛ [ ^__j pic]_ m[c^ `lig


                       ‚Wbi [l_ nb_s—‛ Ips ]ip_l_^ D[h gionb ni

               shut him up.

                       ‚W_ b[p_ ni a_n ion i` b_l_‛ Ips qbcmj_l_^

               to Jason. Jason crept nearer the partition wall. He

               made sure that the Zhang guys. He gestured Ivy

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