Page 12 - Insight ReportV2
P. 12


                                                                          Cut-off points               Theoretical
                                                                          are calculated
         The Survey Framework                                           per dimension as               Maximums
                                                                        per the graph on
          The following table outlines the number of sections,              the right.
          dimensions, questions used in the “Know Your
          Strengths” survey, together with an approximate “time
                                                                                                      + 60
          to complete” per section.

                                               No. of   Completion
                    Purpose        Dimension Questions     time

          1.  Collect relevant / required   N/A   7       1 min
             employment data

          2.  Explore the Fluid Vs.   D1          5       2 min
             Structure dimension and is
             therefore not part of the
          3.  Explores the Directive Vs. Co-  D2  5        2min                                       +28
             operative dimension and is
             therefore part of the scoring
          4.  Explores the Creative Vs.   D3      5        2min
             Incisive  dimension and is
             therefore part of the scoring
          5.  Explores the Flexible Vs.   D4      5       2 min
             Systematic dimension and is
             therefore part of the scoring
          6.  Explores the Task Focused Vs.   D5  5        2min
             Empathetic dimension and is                                                                  0
             therefore part of the scoring
                                               Total:    11min

         The Scoring System

          In order to represent the continuum applicable in each
          dimension, in a scoring system positive and negative
          numbers have been applied where:

             Directive, Creative, Flexible & Task Focused                                              -28
             dimensions are represented by positive (+)
             Co-operative, Incisive, Systematic, & Empathetic
             dimensions are represented by negative (- )
             numbers. This does not mean these tendencies are
             in anyway negative preferences on the part of the


             +3     +2     +1      0      -1      -2     -3
          Highly Directive                    Highly Co-operative
          Highly Creative                          Highly Incisive
          Highly Flexible                       Highly Systematic
          Highly Task Focused                   Highly Empathetic
   7   8   9   10   11   12   13   14   15   16   17