Page 20 - People Analytics e-Booklet
P. 20
Our data visualisation system
feeds directly from your survey
data and is customisable to your
requirements, allowing you to
create reports that provide insight
relevant to you and your business.
Whilst the engine carries out hugely complex statistical
operations, the interface itself has been designed with an
emphasis on usability: an in-depth knowledge of statistics
is not required!
A survey by McKinsey & Co found that the biggest issue
senior executives have with using big data is that “their
managers don’t understand or trust big data–based
models and, consequently, don’t use them.” We ensure
this doesn’t happen in two ways:
We work with you at the design stage to make sure
that the information to be put in will result in data
you want to get out
We provide an interface that is accessible and
At its core, our data visualisation system cuts aggregated
data according to the different elements that were initially
fed into it. This is powerful enough to paint a “Where are
we now?” picture. However, its real worth comes sharply
into focus over time and multiple surveys after which it
can begin to visualise trends and provide a roadmap for
a more data-driven strategy based on real KPIs that have
direct influence on the organisation’s performance.