Page 15 - People Analytics e-Booklet
P. 15

Aggregated reports were also automatically generated and
                            made available to departmental and regional heads.

                            A top-down, multi-phase roll-out was designed. Spreading
                            the roll-out over 14 months and five phases, starting with
                            Region and Country Heads, meant that persons who were
                            participants in one phase would then be managers in the
                            next. This ensured they knew the process and purpose and
                            were able to more effectively drive the programme.

                            IDG managed the entire end-to-end process, from the
                            client’s mapping of each job role and our provision of the
                            final aggregate output, via the completion of the survey.

                            This involved helping the client develop the questions and
                            the communication and notifications package, as well as
                            adapting the process as required from function to function
                            to ensure it suited their specific requirements.

                            Significant work was undertaken to ensure the project
                            complied with regional governance and the bank’s own
                            strict security protocols.


                            The first phase captured the senior leadership team across
                            five high-level roles. Subsequent phases have been rolled-
                            out across the business with full leadership sponsorship,
                            resulting in unprecedented levels of engagement. The
                            most recent phase attained a completion rate of 98%.

                            The individual reports were the foundation of productive
                            development conversations which would otherwise
                            not have occurred, particularly in regions previously
                            unreachable because of non-compliant software. IDG
                            and the client believe these discussions positively impact
                            engagement, career development, leadership, retention
                            rates and the achievement of functional and organisational
                            strategic objectives. For the first time, the organisation has
                            a global and forensic view of where capital could be put to
                            the most efficient use.
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