Page 555 - Documents for the COPC of BS Nursing Program
P. 555

CAGAYAN STATE UNIVERSITY                                                                                                             10
                               NCM 117-Care of Clients with Maladaptive Patterns of Behavior

                                            IX.                                 Describe the etiology  Lecture discussion    Paper  and  pencil  Online websites        Face     to
                                                A.  Substance-Related             of substance abuse                          test                 https://geriatrics.stan face/Onlin
                                                   disorder                     Discuss the different   Carousel Question                 e
                                                  1.  Substance abuse             assessment             Journal search                            lipino/fund/health_be
                                                  2.  Substance                   approaches        for                                            liefs/health_behavior
                                                      dependence                  determining            Case study                                s.html
                                                  3.  Substance                   substance abuse
                                                      intoxication              Formulate                                                         https://www.researc
                                                  4.  Substance                   appropriate  nursing                                   
                                                      withdrawal                  diagnosis         for                                            /284032370_Contin
                                                       Abused                     substance abusers                                                uing_Professional_D
                                                      Substances:          Describe    the    different                                            evelopment_for_Nur
                                                                             treatment  modalities  and                                            ses_and_Midwives_
                                                  4.1.Alcohol                nursing  care  modalities                                             A_Toolkit_for_Devel
                                                  4.2.Barbiturates-CNS       and      nursing     care                                             oping_a_National_C
                                                   Depressants               management       including                                            PD_Framework
                                                  4.3.Inhalants              psychopharmacological                                                 https://media.tghn.or
                                                  4.4.Opioids                interventions          for                                            g/medialibrary/2015/
                                                  (Narcotics)                substance abusers                                                     01/Klassina_The_R
                                                  4.5.Stimulants                                                                                   ole_of_the_Researc
                                                     4.5.1Coccaine                                                                                 h_Nurse_docx_final.
                                                     4.5.2Amphetamine                                                                              pdf
                                                     4.5.3.Hallucinogens                                                                           https://www.psychiat
                                                     4.5.5.Phencyclidine                                                                           ractice/telepsychiatr
                                                     (PCP)                                                                                         y/toolkit/clinical-
                                                     4.5.6.Mescaline                                                                               documentation
                                                     (STP, DMT, MDA)                                                                     
                                                     4.5.7.Lysergic Acid                                                                           mental_health/mhga
                                                     Diethylamide (LSD)                                                                            p/en/
                                                     e dependence

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