Page 556 - Documents for the COPC of BS Nursing Program
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CAGAYAN STATE UNIVERSITY                                                                                                             11
                               NCM 117-Care of Clients with Maladaptive Patterns of Behavior

                                                 5. Nursing issues

                                                B.  Mood disorders            XI.     Describe     the                        Paper pencil test    https://www.khanaca Face       to
                                                       1.  Reactive                   etiology     and  Lecture discussion                       face/Onlin
                                                          Attachment                  pathophysiology                         Journal  synthesis   prep/mcat/behavior/t  e
                                                          disorder                    of         mood    Journal search       and appraisal        heories-
                                                       2.  Bipolar I                  disorders          Case study           Case    discussion   personality/v/psycho
                                                          disorder            XII.    Discuss      the                                             analytic-theory
                                                       3.  Bipolar II                 different                               paper
                                                          disorder                    assessment                                         
                                                       4.  Cyclothymic                approaches  for                                              .com/watch?v=aYC
                                                          disorder                    determining                                                  BdZLCDBQ
                                                       5.  Dysthymic                  mood disorders
                                                          disorder            XIII.   Formulate
                                                       6.  Major                      appropriate
                                                          Depressive                  nursing
                                                          disorder                    diagnosis     for
                                            X.     Clients  at  risk  for             patients    with
                                                   suicidal   and    self-            mood disorders
                                                   destructive behavior    Describe    the    different
                                                                             treatment  modalities  and
                                                                             nursing              care
                                                                             management       including
                                                                             interventions  for  patients
                                                                             with mood disorders
                         Week 14-15      A.   Schizophrenia   and   other       Describe the etiology  Lecture discussion    Paper pencil test    Keltner, N. (2014).   Face     to
                                         Psychoses                                and pathophysiology                                              Psychiatric Nursing   face/Onlin
                                         1. Schizophrenia                         of delirium, dementia   Journal search      Journal  synthesis   7  edition. Missouri:   e
                                           1.1.Catatonic type                     and  other  related                         and appraisal        Elsevier Mosby
                                           1.2.Paranoid type                                             Case study
                                           1.3.Undifferentiated type              disorders                                   Case    discussion
                                           1.4.Disorganized type                Discuss the different  Film viewing          paper                Sadock, B. &
                                           1.5.Residual type                      assessment                                                       Sadock, V. (2009)

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