Page 559 - Documents for the COPC of BS Nursing Program
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CAGAYAN STATE UNIVERSITY                                                                                                             14
                               NCM 117-Care of Clients with Maladaptive Patterns of Behavior

                                                                                  cal  interventions  for
                                                                                  patients  with  eating

                                                E.  Abuse  and  violence          F.  Abuse        and  Lecture discussion    Paper pencil test    Keltner, N. (2014).   Face     to
                                                   across the lifespan               violence  across                                              Psychiatric Nursing   face/Onlin
                                                   1.  Victims of violent            the lifespan        Small        group  Minutes  of  group    7  edition. Missouri:   e
                                                       behavior                             a.  Victims   discussion          discussion           Elsevier Mosby
                                                       1.1.Child                               of
                                                       1.2.Spouse                              violent   Case study           Case  study  group   Sadock, B. &
                                                       1.3.Elderly                             behavi                         paper                Sadock, V. (2009)
                                                   2. Torture and ritual                       or                                                  Comprehensive
                                                   abuse                                    -   Child                                              Textbook of
                                                       2.1. Rape and                        -   Spous                                              Psychiatry 9  Ed.
                                                       Sexual Assault                          e                                                   Philadelphia:
                                                                                            -   Elderly                                            Lippincott Williams
                                                                                            b.  Torture                                            and Wilkins
                                                                                Rape  and  Sexual
                                                G.  Legal issues affecting      Discuss      different  Case discussions     Paper-pencil test                          Face     to
                                                   mental health nursing          legal issues affecting                                                                 face/Onlin
                                                                                  mental        health                        Case    discussion                         e
                                                                                  nursing                                     paper
                                                                                Relate      bioethical
                                                                                  principles  in  dealing
                                                                                  with  various  legal
                                                                                  issues   of   mental
                                                H.  Future  trends  and         List    trends    and  Lecture discussion    Paper-pencil test    ttps://www.khanacad Face       to
                                                   issues    in   mental          issues   of   mental                                            face/Onlin
                                                                                                         Case studies                              prep/mcat/behavior/t  e

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