Page 557 - Documents for the COPC of BS Nursing Program
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CAGAYAN STATE UNIVERSITY                                                                                                             12
                               NCM 117-Care of Clients with Maladaptive Patterns of Behavior

                                                                                  approaches        for                       Film  synopsis  and  Comprehensive
                                         2. Other Psychotic Disorders             determining delirium,                       reaction paper       Textbook of
                                           2.1.Schizophreniform Disorder          dementia  and  other                                             Psychiatry 9  Ed.
                                           2.2.Schizo effective Disorder          related disorders                                                Philadelphia:
                                           2.3.Delusional Disorder                                                                                 Lippincott Williams
                                                                                Formulate
                                            XIV.   Brief Psychotic Disorder       appropriate  nursing                                             and Wilkins
                                                                                  diagnosis         for
                                                                                  patients        with                                             Videbeck, S. (2014).
                                                                                  delirium,   dementia                                             Psychiatric- Mental
                                                                                  and  other  related                                              Health Nursing 7
                                                                                  disorders                                                        edition. Philadelphia.
                                                                           Describe    the    different                                            Lippincott Williams
                                                                             treatment  modalities  and                                            and Wilkins
                                                                             nursing              care
                                                                             management       including
                                                                             interventions  for  patients
                                                                             with  delirium,  dementia
                                                                             and      other     related
                                              A. Cognitive Disorders            Describe the etiology
                                               1.  Fetal         Alcohol          and pathophysiology
                                                 Syndrome                         of delirium, dementia
                                               2.  Attention       deficit        and  other  related
                                                 hyperactive disorder             disorders
                                               3.  Autism                       Discuss the different                                             https://geriatrics.stan
                                               4.  Delirium                       assessment                                             
                                               5.  Dementia                       approaches        for                                            lipino/fund/health_be
                                               6.  Alzheimer’s Disease            determining delirium,                                            liefs/health_behavior
                                               7.  Diffuse   Lewy   Body          dementia  and  other                                             s.html
                                                 Disease                          related disorders
                                               8.  Korsakoff’s Disease          Formulate                                                         https://www.researc
                                               9.  Huntington’s Disease           appropriate  nursing                                   
                                               10.     Pick’s Disease             diagnosis         for                                            /284032370_Contin
                                                                                  patients        with                                             uing_Professional_D

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