Page 594 - Documents for the COPC of BS Nursing Program
P. 594

                                     NCM 120 – DECENT WORK EMPLOYMENT AND TRANSCULTURAL NURSING

                                     Criteria               Excellent                    Competent                    Slightly Inadequate         Completely Inadequate   Total Points

                               Problem                       3 Points                     2.5 Points                       2 Points                     1.5 Points
                               identification      Accurately   identifies   main  Some  success  identifying  the  Some  difficulties  in  identifying  the  Fails  to  identify  the  main
                                                   ethical issues;               main ethical issues;         main ethical issues               ethical issues
                               Providing  empirical  3 Points                    2.5 Points                   2 Points                          1.5 Points
                               information and use  Accurately  identifies  sufficient  Some  success  in  making  Some  difficulties  in  identifying  Fails  to  provide  any,  or
                               of sources          and     relevant   empirical  sufficient and relevant empirical  sufficient  or  relevant  information;  accurate   empirical
                                                   information,  and  draws  on  claims   and   in   providing  insufficient  support  for  empirical  information;   makes
                                                   support  from  sufficient  and  sufficient support for them from  claims  from  reliable  sources;  us  of  empirical  claims  with  no
                                                   reliable sources.             a reasonable number of reliable  few  or  somewhat  inappropriate  evidence to back them up;
                                                                                 sources.                     sources.                          uses  no  or  inappropriate
                               Writing Quality               2 Points                     1.6 Points                      1.2 Points                    0.8 Points
                                                   Consistently   uses   correct  Few  grammatical  or  spelling  Some spelling and grammar errors.  Poor   spelling   and
                                                   grammar       with      rare  errors.  Ideas  are  expressed  Does not express opinions or ideas  grammar   throughout.
                                                   misspellings.  Expresses  ideas  reasonably   clearly.   Some  clearly. Only vague guidance as to  Writing is barely coherent.
                                                   in a clear and concise manner.  guidance  as  to  what  the  how the case study analysis will be  No  indication  of  what  the
                                                   Clear  guidance  given  as  to  argument  will  be  and  how  the  structured  at  the  beginning  of  the  argument  will  be  or  how
                                                   what the argument will be and  case analysis will be structured  analysis.                   the  case  study  analysis
                                                   how the case study analysis will  at the beginning of the analysis.                          will  be  structured  at  the
                                                   be structured  at the beginning                                                              beginning of the analysis.
                                                   of the analysis.
                              Undergraduate Case Analysis Rubric | Online Ethics

                                                                                                                                                          Revision No. 07 January 31, 2024
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