Page 591 - Documents for the COPC of BS Nursing Program
P. 591

                                     NCM 120 – DECENT WORK EMPLOYMENT AND TRANSCULTURAL NURSING

                               RUBRIC FOR GRAPHIC ORGANIZER
                                        Criteria              Exemplary (4)              Proficient (3)           Developing (2)        Needs Improvement (1)
                               Accuracy of Information   Provides  accurate  and  Presents  mostly  accurate  Contains         some  Contains        significant
                                                         comprehensive             information  on  historical  inaccuracies  or  omissions  inaccuracies  or  omissions
                                                         information   on    key  events and figures relevant  in  presenting  historical  in  presenting  historical
                                                         historical   events   and  to transcultural nursing   information        on  information           on
                                                         figures in the development                          transcultural nursing     transcultural nursing
                                                         of transcultural nursing
                               Depth of Information      Offers   thorough   and  Provides        adequate  Offers limited explanations  Provides   minimal   or
                                                         detailed  explanations  of  explanations  of  historical  of historical events, lacking  superficial  explanations  of
                                                         historical events, including  events,  demonstrating  an  depth  or  insight  into  their  historical events, failing to
                                                         their  significance  to  the  understanding   of   their  significance    to  demonstrate
                                                         development           of  importance to transcultural  transcultural nursing   understanding   of   their
                                                         transcultural nursing     nursing                                             importance to transcultural
                               Organization              Well-organized  with  clear  Mostly   organized   with  Organization  is  somewhat  Lacks   organization,
                                                         sections, logical sequence,  identifiable   sections,  unclear,  making  it  difficult  making  it  challenging  to
                                                         and   visually   appealing  though  some  areas  may  to  follow  the  flow  of  navigate or understand the
                                                         layout                    lack clarity or cohesion   information              content
                               Visual Appeal             Visually  appealing  with  Mostly  visually  appealing,  Visual   presentation   is  Lacks  visual  appeal,  with
                                                         appropriate  use  of  colors,  though   some   design  somewhat  lacking,  with  little  effort  to  enhance
                                                         images,    and    design  elements     may     be  limited  use  of  design  presentation     through
                                                         elements   to   enhance  distracting or unnecessary   elements   or   visual  design elements or visuals
                                                         understanding                                       enhancements
                               Clarity of Presentation   Information  is  presented  Mostly  clear  presentation,  Presentation  is  somewhat  Presentation  is  chaotic  or
                                                         clearly and concisely, with  though some sections may  unclear   or   cluttered,  unclear,  making  it  difficult
                                                         easy-to-read text and well-  be  verbose  or  lacking  in  hindering understanding   to interpret the organizer
                                                         defined categories        clarity

                                                                                                                                                          Revision No. 07 January 31, 2024
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