Page 592 - Documents for the COPC of BS Nursing Program
P. 592

                                     NCM 120 – DECENT WORK EMPLOYMENT AND TRANSCULTURAL NURSING

                               RUBRIC FOR ESSAY
                                       Criteria          Excellent (4)             Good (3)                  Fair (2)                  Poor (1)
                               Thesis Statement          Clear,   concise,   and  Presents  a  clear  thesis  Thesis   statement   is  Thesis   statement    is
                                                         effectively  addresses  the  statement  that  adequately  present but lacks clarity or  missing or unclear
                                                         prompt, providing a strong  addresses the prompt    specificity
                                                         roadmap for the essay
                               Organization              Well-organized with logical  Mostly   organized   with  Organization  is  somewhat  Lack   of   organization,
                                                         progression   of   ideas,  some  minor  issues  in  unclear,  making  it  difficult  making  the  essay  difficult
                                                         smooth        transitions  structure or flow        to  follow  the  essay's  to follow
                                                         between paragraphs                                  progression
                               Content                   Thoroughly  explores  the  Addresses   the   topic  Content   is   somewhat  Content  is  minimal  or
                                                         topic   with    insightful  adequately        with  limited  or  lacks  depth,  irrelevant to the topic
                                                         analysis,  supported  by  appropriate  evidence  and  relying  on  generalizations
                                                         relevant   evidence   and  examples                 rather   than    specific
                                                         examples                                            examples
                               Evidence & Support        Provides  strong,  relevant  Supports  arguments  with  Evidence  and  examples  Lacks supporting evidence
                                                         evidence and examples to  mostly  relevant  evidence  are  insufficient  or  not  or   relies   heavily   on
                                                         support       arguments,  and  examples,  but  some  effectively  integrated  into  unsupported claims
                                                         effectively   integrating  may be weak or tangential   the essay
                                                         sources when applicable
                               Clarity & Coherence       Demonstrates  exceptional  Generally   clear   and  Expression  of  ideas  is  Significant  lack  of  clarity
                                                         clarity and coherence, with  coherent,  though  some  unclear  or  disjointed  at  and  coherence,  making  it
                                                         well-developed  ideas  and  areas  may  lack  clarity  or  times,   hindering  difficult  to  understand  the
                                                         effective language use    cohesion                  understanding             essay's main points
                               Grammar & Mechanics       Virtually    free     of  Contains  few  grammatical  Several grammatical errors  Numerous   grammatical
                                                         grammatical  errors  and  errors or typos that do not  or typos that distract from  errors and typos that make
                                                         typos,   with    precise  significantly  detract  from  the readability of the essay  the essay difficult to read
                                                         language use              the overall quality

                                                                                                                                                          Revision No. 07 January 31, 2024
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