Page 593 - Documents for the COPC of BS Nursing Program
P. 593

                                     NCM 120 – DECENT WORK EMPLOYMENT AND TRANSCULTURAL NURSING

                               RUBRIC FOR REFLECTION PAPER
                                        Criteria              Exemplary (4)              Proficient (3)           Developing (2)        Needs Improvement (1)
                               Depth of Reflection       Demonstrates deep insight  Shows  a  good  level  of  Reflects   on   personal  Superficial   reflection,
                                                         and  thoughtful  analysis,  reflection,   addressing  experiences and reactions,  providing  minimal  insight
                                                         exploring       personal  personal  experiences  and  but  lacks  depth  or  critical  into  personal  experiences
                                                         experiences,   emotions,  reactions with some depth  analysis                 or reactions
                                                         and reactions in relation to  and insight
                                                         the topic
                               Connection  to  Learning  Clearly  connects  personal  Connects     personal  Attempts   to   connect  Fails     to    establish
                               Objectives                experiences         and  experiences          and  personal  experiences  and  meaningful   connections
                                                         reflections   to   course  reflections   to   course  reflections   to   course  between      personal
                                                         content,        learning  content   and   learning  content   and   learning  experiences  and  course
                                                         objectives,  and  relevant  objectives,    though  objectives, but connections  content   or   learning
                                                         theoretical concepts      connections   may    be  are unclear or tangential   objectives
                                                                                   somewhat implicit
                               Clarity of Expression     Writing  is  clear,  concise,  Writing is mostly clear and  Writing   is   somewhat  Writing   is   unclear,
                                                         and  well-organized,  with  organized,  though  some  unclear  or  disorganized,  disjointed,   or   poorly
                                                         coherent  structure  and  areas  may  be  verbose  or  hindering understanding   organized,   making   it
                                                         effective use of language   lack clarity                                      difficult   to   follow   the
                                                                                                                                       author's thoughts
                               Insight    and      Self-  Demonstrates a high level  Shows   awareness   of  Displays   limited   self-  Lacks self-awareness  and
                               Awareness                 of   self-awareness   and  personal      strengths,  awareness  or  insight  into  insight   into   personal
                                                         insight,     recognizing  weaknesses, and areas for  personal      strengths,  strengths, weaknesses, or
                                                         personal       strengths,  growth, though insight may  weaknesses,  or  areas  for  areas for growth
                                                         weaknesses, and areas for  be somewhat limited      growth
                               Reflection on Action      Reflects  on  past  actions  Reflects  on  past  actions  Provides minimal reflection  Fails  to  reflect  on  past
                                                         and         experiences,  and experiences, but may  on   past   actions   and  actions and experiences or
                                                         considering  their  impact  not  fully  consider  their  experiences,   lacking  their implications for future
                                                         and implications for future  implications   for   future  consideration   of   their  practice   and   personal
                                                         practice   and   personal  practice   and   personal  implications   for   future  growth
                                                         growth                    growth                    practice   and   personal

                                                                                                                                                          Revision No. 07 January 31, 2024
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