Page 588 - Documents for the COPC of BS Nursing Program
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                                     NCM 120 – DECENT WORK EMPLOYMENT AND TRANSCULTURAL NURSING

                                         Adult Health
                                           Transitions and
                      Week         VIII.     Transcultural  At the end of the session,                                                          Andrews & Boyle.        Face to face for the
                         8         Perspective     in   the     students are expected                                                          2015). Transcultural           lecture
                                   Nursing Care of Older        to:                                                                            Concepts in Nursing
                                   Adults                                                                                                        Care / Edition 7      Online for presentation
                                                             1. discuss cultural belief                                                                                      of outputs
                                         The Older Adult       and practices related to
                                           in Contemporary      older adult’s health
                                           Society: Factors     status
                                           Affecting Health    2. identify linkage of
                                         The Older Adult       cultural perspective
                                           in the               with that of older adult’s
                                           Community:           health status
                                         Caregiving of
                                           Older Adults
                     Week 9                                                           MID TERM EXAMINATION                                                                 Face to face

                      Weeks        IX. Introduction to       At the end of the session,        Lecture-                  Critiquing of        Andrews & Boyle.        Face to face for the
                      10 -11       Decent Work               students are expected to:          discussion                 articles            2015). Transcultural           lecture
                                   Employment                                                  Articles on job                                Concepts in Nursing
                                                             1.discuss the concept of           satisfaction in the                              Care / Edition 7      Online for presentation
                                         Origin of Decent  decent work and its origin          nursing                                                                      of outputs
                                           Work Concept      2.discuss background of            profession
                                         Definition of      ILO and its role in
                                           Decent Work       achievement of decent
                                         Historical         work
                                           Background of

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