Page 583 - Documents for the COPC of BS Nursing Program
P. 583

                                     NCM 120 – DECENT WORK EMPLOYMENT AND TRANSCULTURAL NURSING

                                                          Unifying Presence
                                                          ●      Uniting theory and practice
                                                          ●      Uniting strata of society
                                                          ●      Unifying the nation, the ASEAN region and the world
                                                          ●      Uniting the university and the community
                                                          At the end of the course, students are expected to:

                                                          CILO 1:    Apply theoretical foundations of transcultural nursing.
                                                          CILO 2:    Critically examine the relevance of transcultural nursing in addressing contemporary issues and trends in nursing
                                                          CILO 3:    Develop understanding of cultural competence in health history and physical examination
                                                          CILO 4:   Develop influence of culture and health belief system on health care practices
                                                          CILO 5:   Comprehend transcultural perspective in children and adult
                                                          CILO 6:   Create a culturally competent health care organization
                                                          CILO 7:    Identify challenges in transcultural perspective in mental health nursing.
                                   Course Intended        CILO 8:   Develop understanding of culture, family and community
                                 Learning Outcomes        CILO 9:   Perform and engage in culturally diverse health care workforce
                                       (CILOs)            CILO 10: Critically understand cultural competence in ethical decision making
                                                          CILO 11: Demonstrate qualities evolving transcultural nursing as a special field in the profession and global health
                                                          CILO 12: Adopt nursing core values in the application of transcultural nursing practice
                                                          CILO 13: Display an attitude of confidence and trustworthy of practicing the profession in a global perspective
                                                          CILO 14 on IZN:  Demonstrate an understanding of the principles of internationalization in nursing practice, specifically in the context
                                                          of promoting decent work and employment equity within transcultural healthcare environments
                                                          CILO 15 on SDG:  Apply the principles of sustainable development goals (SDGs) to nursing practice, with a focus on promoting
                                                          decent work, equitable employment, and culturally sensitive care delivery in transcultural healthcare settings.
                                                          CILO 16 on GAD: Integrate gender and development (GAD) perspectives into nursing practice, with a focus on promoting gender
                                                          equality, empowering women, and addressing gender disparities in employment and healthcare within transcultural contexts.
                                                                                        Percentage Distribution
                                                           Assigned Activity            15%
                                                           Engagement/Forum             10%
                               Grading System
                                                           Quizzes/Unit Test


                                                           Major Examination             45%
                                                           TOTAL                        100%

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