Page 585 - Documents for the COPC of BS Nursing Program
P. 585

                                     NCM 120 – DECENT WORK EMPLOYMENT AND TRANSCULTURAL NURSING

                      Week         I. Introduction to        At the end of the session,        Lecture-            Create  summary  of         Andrews & Boyle.        Face to face for the
                         2         Transcultural Nursing        students are expected           discussion          historical foundations of   2015). Transcultural          lecture
                                                                to:                            Small and large     TCN  through  graphic      Concepts in Nursing
                                         Anthropology                                          group sharing       organizer                    Care / Edition 7      Online for presentation

                                           and Culture       1.  define anthropology                                                                                         of outputs
                                         Historical and         and culture
                                           Theoretical       2.  distinguish  the  link
                                           Foundations of        between anthropology
                                           TCN                   and culture
                                         Cultural Context   3.  summarize the
                                                                 historical foundations
                                           of TCN
                                                                 of TCN
                                                             4.  describe the
                                                                 foundations of TCN
                                                             5.   explain TCN in the
                                                                 context of cultural
                                   II. Culturally            At the end of the session,        Lecture-            Essay on the benefits       Andrews & Boyle.        Face to face for the
                                   Competent Nursing            students are expected           discussion          of practicing culturally   2015). Transcultural           lecture
                                   Care                         to:                            Small to large      competent care in          Concepts in Nursing
                                         Rationale for      1. discuss the importance          group sharing       nursing                      Care / Edition 7      Online for presentation
                                           Culturally        of a culturally competent                                                                                       of outputs
                                           Competent Care    care in nursing practice
                                         Definitions and    2. identify guidelines for
                                           Categories of     the practice of culturally
                                           Cultural          competent nursing care
                                           Competence        3.  define cultural
                                         Guidelines for     competence in the context
                                           the Practice of   of nursing practice
                                           Nursing Care

                                                                                                                                                          Revision No. 07 January 31, 2024
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