Page 586 - Documents for the COPC of BS Nursing Program
P. 586

                                     NCM 120 – DECENT WORK EMPLOYMENT AND TRANSCULTURAL NURSING

                                         Cultural self-
                                           assessment and
                                           assessment of
                      Week         III. Cultural             At the end of the session,   Explicit Instruction      Create summary of the       Andrews & Boyle.        Face to face for the
                         3         Competence in the            students are expected                               transcultural              2015). Transcultural           lecture
                                   Health History and           to:                                                 perspective  of  health    Concepts in Nursing
                                   Physical Examination                                                             history through graphic      Care / Edition 7      Online for presentation
                                                             1. identify unique ways of                             organizer                                                of outputs
                                         Cultural           assessing in the lens of
                                           Assessment        diverse
                                         Transcultural      2. discuss transcultural
                                           Perspectives on   perspectives of health
                                           the Health
                      Week         IV: The Influence of      At the end of the session,   Explicit Instruction      Critiquing   of   article   Andrews & Boyle.        Face to face for the
                         4         Cultural and Health          students are expected                               related to management      2015). Transcultural           lecture
                                   Belief System on             to:                                                 of  health  issues  in  the   Concepts in Nursing
                                   Health Care Practices                                                            perspective of people’s      Care / Edition 7      Online for presentation
                                                             1. discuss cultural belief                             tradition                                                of outputs
                                         Cultural belief    system
                                           system            2. identify types of healing
                                         Health and         system
                                           Illness Behavior    3. evaluate healing
                                         Types of           system of diverse groups
                                           Healing system
                      Week         V.        Transcultural  At the end of the session,   Explicit Instruction       Summary of cultural         Andrews & Boyle.        Face to face for the
                         5         Perspective           in     students are expected                               practices across           2015). Transcultural           lecture
                                   Childbearing                 to:                                                 lifespan (from             Concepts in Nursing
                                         Overview of                                                               childbearing to older        Care / Edition 7      Online for presentation
                                           Cultural Belief   1. discuss cultural belief                             adult) and reflection                                    of outputs
                                           system and           and practices related to                            paper on the
                                           Practices            child bearing                                       perspective of cultural

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