Page 587 - Documents for the COPC of BS Nursing Program
P. 587

                                     NCM 120 – DECENT WORK EMPLOYMENT AND TRANSCULTURAL NURSING

                                           related to        2. identify linkage of                                 practices relative to
                                           Childbearing         cultural perspective                                medical practices
                                         Fertility Control     with that of the fertility
                                           and Culture          control and pregnancy
                                         Pregnancy and
                      Week         VI.       Transcultural  At the end of the session,                                                          Andrews & Boyle.        Face to face for the
                         6         Perspective     in   the     students are expected                                                          2015). Transcultural           lecture
                                   Nursing      Care     of     to:                                                                            Concepts in Nursing
                                   Children                                                                                                      Care / Edition 7      Online for presentation
                                         Children in a      1. discuss cultural belief                                                                                      of outputs
                                           culturally           and practices related to
                                           diverse society      children’s health status
                                         Children as a      2. identify linkage of
                                           population           cultural perspective
                                         Children’s            with that of children’s
                                           health status        health status
                                         Culture
                                           Universal and
                                           Culture Specific
                                           Child Rearing
                      Week         VII.      Transcultural  At the end of the session,                                                          Andrews & Boyle.        Face to face for the
                         7         Perspective     in   the     students are expected                                                          2015). Transcultural           lecture
                                   Nursing Care of Adults       to:                                                                            Concepts in Nursing
                                                                                                                                                 Care / Edition 7      Online for presentation
                                         Overview of        1. discuss cultural belief                                                                                      of outputs
                                           Cultural             and practices related to
                                           Influences on        adult’s health status
                                           Adulthood         2. identify linkage of
                                         Developmental         cultural perspective
                                           transitions:         with that of adult’s
                                           Changing roles       health status

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