Page 674 - Documents for the COPC of BS Nursing Program
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CAGAYAN STATE UNIVERSITY                                                                                                              6
                                MC4 Logic and Critical Thinking

                            Time                                       Intended Learning Outcomes                            Learning
                           Frame           Learning Content                        (ILOs)                  Learning       Assessments         Teaching and Learning         Modality
                                                                                                           Activities                         References/Resources
                          Week 6      5.  Simple Apprehension        At the end of the session, nursing   Lecturette    Assignment          Nery: Logic with Ethics and  Face-to-face
                                       a.  Description of idea       students are expected to:           Class          Quiz                Values Education
                                       b.  Formation of idea                                             discussion                         Pasigui et al.: Integrated
                                                                                                                                            Logic: Multi-Disciplinary
                                       c.  Constituents of idea      Demonstrate how ideas are                                              Approach Chapter 4
                                       d.  Idea vs. phantasm
                                                                     Define the first mental act and
                                                                     other mental acts involved with
                                                                     the formation of idea.

                                                                     Distinguish idea from phantasm.
                                                                     Analyze the degrees of
                                                                     abstraction and their
                                                                     corresponding types of ideas.

                                                                     Interpret the inverse relationship
                                                                     between comprehension and

                          Week 7      6.  Ideas and Terms            At the end of the session, nursing   Lecturette    Assignment          Nery: Logic with Ethics and  Face-to-face
                                       a.  Classification of ideas   students are expected to:           Class          Quiz                Values Education
                                       b.  Definition of a term                                          discussion
                                       c.  General division of terms   Classify ideas.                                                      Pasigui et al.: Integrated
                                                                                                                                            Logic: Multi-Disciplinary
                                       d.  Definition and division of                                                                       Approach Chapter 5
                                                                     Define term and its divisions.

                                                                                                                                     Revision No. 07 January 31, 2024
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