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P. 681

CAGAYAN STATE UNIVERSITY                                                                                                             13
                                MC4 Logic and Critical Thinking

                        RUBRIC FOR ASSESSMENT TO BE USED FOR Case Study Presentation (15% of final grade)

                                                            Excellent                                    Good                                   Satisfactory
                              Criteria                                                                                                                                        Score
                                                              15 pts                                     10 pts                                     5 pt
                         Content Clarity     The case study is exceptionally clear,    The case study is clear, concise, and      The case study lacks clarity,
                         and Relevance       concise, and relevant. It effectively     relevant. It adequately presents           conciseness, or relevance in some
                                             presents background information, key      background information, key issues, and    aspects. Some background information,
                                             issues, and proposed solutions.           proposed solutions.                        key issues, or proposed solutions are
                                                                                                                                  unclear or incomplete.

                         Logical             The case study demonstrates thorough      The case study demonstrates adequate       The case study demonstrates limited
                         Reasoning and       logical reasoning and critical analysis.   logical reasoning and critical analysis.   logical reasoning and critical analysis.
                         Critical Analysis   Arguments are well-supported with         Arguments are supported with evidence,     Arguments may lack support or contain
                                             evidence, and logical fallacies are       but there may be some minor logical        noticeable logical fallacies.
                                             avoided.                                  fallacies present.

                         Creativity and      The case study demonstrates               The case study demonstrates creativity     The case study demonstrates some
                         Originality         exceptional creativity and originality. It   and originality. It presents an interesting   creativity and originality, but the scenario
                                             presents a unique and thought-provoking  scenario that captures the audience's       may be somewhat predictable or
                                             scenario that engages the audience.       attention.                                 uninspired.
                         Presentation        The presentation is exceptionally clear,   The presentation is clear, organized, and  The presentation is somewhat unclear,
                         Delivery            organized, and engaging. Speakers         engaging. Speakers communicate             disorganized, or lacks engagement.
                                             communicate effectively, maintain eye     effectively but may occasionally lack eye   Speakers may struggle to communicate
                                             contact, and use appropriate gestures     contact or use of appropriate gestures     effectively, maintain eye contact, or use
                                             and visual aids.                          and visual aids.                           appropriate gestures and visual aids.

                         Time                The presentation is well-paced and        The presentation is mostly well-paced      The presentation is somewhat rushed or
                         Management          adheres to the time limit. All key points   and adheres to the time limit. Most key   too lengthy. Some key points may be
                                             are covered thoroughly within the         points are covered within the allocated    omitted or only briefly discussed due to
                                             allocated time.                           time, with minor deviations.               time constraints.

                            Total Score

                              Legend                     51-75 Excellent                              26-50 Good                              25 Satisfactory

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