Page 682 - Documents for the COPC of BS Nursing Program
P. 682
MC4 Logic and Critical Thinking
RUBRIC FOR ASSESSMENT TO BE USED FOR Individual Reflection Paper (10% of final grade)
Criteria Excellent Good Fair Poor Unsatisfactory Score
10 pts 8 pts 6 pt 4 pts 2 pts
Depth of The reflection The reflection The reflection The reflection lacks The reflection is
Reflection demonstrates deep demonstrates a good demonstrates some depth and analysis. The minimal or absent. The
insight and critical level of insight and level of insight and student provides student fails to provide
analysis. The student analysis. The student analysis. The student superficial reflections meaningful reflections
reflects thoughtfully on reflects on their learning reflects on their learning without clear on their learning
their learning experience, providing experience, but may connections to course experience.
experience, identifying relevant examples and lack specificity or depth content or learning
specific examples and connections to course in their reflections. experience.
connections to course content.
Application to The reflection The reflection The reflection briefly The reflection mentions The reflection does not
Practice effectively discusses discusses how the touches on the application to practice address the application
how the learning learning experience can application to practice in a general or vague to practice. The student
experience can be be applied to real-world but lacks depth or manner. The student fails to demonstrate an
applied to real-world practice, with some specificity. The student demonstrates little understanding of the
practice, particularly in consideration of nursing may demonstrate a understanding of the relevance of the course
nursing or paramedical or paramedical limited understanding of relevance of the course content to their future
contexts. The student contexts. The student the relevance of the content to their future practice.
demonstrates a clear demonstrates an course content to their practice.
understanding of the understanding of the future practice.
relevance of the course relevance of the course
content to their future content to their future
practice. practice.
Revision No. 07 January 31, 2024